Shopify speed optimziation? Dev Knowledge?

Shopify speed optimziation? Dev Knowledge?

New Member
31 0 0

Hi there are here people who are fully time freelancers and can help me with speed optimization and fixing bad situation regard the codes etc?

(you need to be kind of DEV to help me with coding etc..)



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Not applicable

Hi @yovel 

Our agency will be glad to help you with speed optimization. 

Feel free to contact me here: and discuss further.


Best Regards,



Shopify Partner
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If you're looking for Shopify performance optimization experts, my team Speed Boostr is a collective of freelancers focused on Shopify development and optimization:

For a free analysis contact us at

We created the first performance analysis tool specifically for Shopify sites: the Shopify Analyzer. That's a free tool we built for the community, and the scoring / recommendations / benchmarks are based on our experience optimizing over 1,000 sites.

That's a good place to start, and if you prefer to spend time rather than money that tool + our Shopify optimization guide should be able to get you dialed in on about 80% of what you can do.

If you check out the site of the previous poster,  Aibek from growave, you may notice they have similar services as us, even using the same names. We do not have any affiliation with them, they shamefully copy us but do not have the experience or expertise in this field. I personally don't trust copy cat service providers when giving access to my business, it can lead to additional bad code situations, so giving you the heads up - if you need professional help and want to go to the source and work with actual experts, we got you covered. 👍

• Creator of Order Automator [auto tag, fulfill, connect FBA, daily jobs]
• Co-Creator of Product Automator [suite of features for products / collections]
• Shopify developer for 10+ years, store owner for 7 years
• Blog: Shopify Tips, Guides, and Automation Tactics
New Member
31 0 0

Ok good to know

the issue is the price really high for me for this moment

ty anyway

New Member
31 0 0

You are one of the bad sellers i have ever seen 

I will to everyone to know not work with this person he messed up my store 

Stup.. man

38 1 1

Hello @yovel ,


If you need speed optimization services for your Shopify site then we, at W3SpeedUp, can help you out!


We have been speeding up slow websites for over 7 years now and we guarantee the results we promise. You can get in touch with us ( and we’ll analyze your site and share a report of our findings for free!

You can also check out our guide to speeding up Shopify stores to learn about the various optimizations that can be performed to improve the speed of your store.


Our team would be happy to speed up your Shopify store for you!

Founder of W3 SpeedUp (Shopify optimization experts, theme customization, Can Speedup all types of CMS and Framework).