Should I use the full 320 character limit for meta descriptions on Shopify?

Should I use the full 320 character limit for meta descriptions on Shopify?

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I have a Shopify store Emcare. my question related to meta description Character limit of Shopify. Google allow us meta description character maximum to 160 character. but Shopify give us 320 character limit of meta description. if we use 320 characters, then google truncate our meta description. should we use 320 Charater or not? 

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Hello @Talha90 ,


It should be better to have a Meta Description under 160 Characters only as google only show description under 160 characters during search either google will truncate extra text or will modify entire Meta Description.

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Keep it to 160 or under. Google bumped it to 320 a while back, so Shopify made that change. Google reversed their change and Shopify never did.


Stick with 160

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