Slow Connections to, Can this be improved?

Slow Connections to, Can this be improved?

23 1 8

Hi All,

I've been analysing my store's site speed, which is currently a little slow. One of the issues found was that It has two connections to both with a 500+ms connection time according to Pingdom. This means that its spending 1+ seconds querying or pulling data from

Does anyone know what this domain is for and if there is anything that I can do to change or improve it?

The exact URL queried is:

Pingdom scan is:

Store URL is:

Many thanks in advance!

Reply 1 (1)

Shopify Partner
253 19 110

Hi there, in our opinion, we have 2 recommend for you:

  • You should use pagespeed insigh to analysing my store's site speed, it's good for SEO and Pagespeed.
  • You can delay that link from shopify by loading that link in second thread by worker and it just start to load when you move mouse or scroll.

You can research that way or we can solve them for you with the best price you ever have.

Hope it useful for you


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