Re: Images slow to load

Why do images take long to load on mobile in various stores?

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Something seems to have changed in the last few months, when browsing shopify stores it takes forever to load images on my mobile. Using a Samsung S9+ and chrome. I've noticed the slowness on collection pages, individual product pages are fine. Desktop load is fine.


I've seen this on my own shop and other shops as well! Could it be the theme?

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Have you tried on different phone? It loads fine for me.

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Hi @julcyfruit, this is PageFly team.

I just tested your website on both my Samsung and iPhone, it seemed fine to me so far.

Your images loading speed is acceptable, just some of the images took a longer time to load but just nearly 1 second later.

If you still find your images load too slow, some of the reasons could be:

1. The internet speed, it could be the location and time you check your website where the network connection is slow.

2. Your device is used for quite a time or it has many apps 

- If you want to optimize your images when building your site to load faster, you can consider using some of the image optimization tools like: ImageOptimShopify Online Image or 

- And If you have images that go with .PNG file, you can convert them to .JPG or .JPEG files

- Also, you can test your store loading speed score on Google Speed Insights to understand why the page speed is slow and how to fix it.

You can read this manual from Shopify to know why your page speed is slow, what factors you can and can't control:

I hope this can help you a little bit.