Why does my packing slip show every item twice?

Why does my packing slip show every item twice?

13 0 0

Hi guys 

Since my last order I have a strange issue regarding my packing slip. Somehow the packing slip shows every item twice. F.e. a customer ordered 2 shirts in 2 colors (grey and beige). The packing slip shows every color twice so 2 grey and 2 black shirts: 




Luckily, this was only the test order. However my store will go live on saturday so I really need help asap:)

Kind regards,




Replies 3 (3)

Shopify Partner
830 28 75



Verify that the order details in your Shopify admin panel are correct and that each item is listed only once.
Review Your Packing Slip Template (Look for any code creating duplication)
If there is template then recreate the Packing Slip Template

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13 0 0

hi! thanks for the reply, can you help me out with this?

Shopify Partner
830 28 75

Ok please contact us. Details given at Signature

To Get Shopify Experts Help, E-mail - hi@ecommercesmalltask.com
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