Why does my website take 30 seconds to load on Chrome?


Why does my website take 30 seconds to load on Chrome?

11 1 7

Hey there,

I just started my webshop recently and unfortunately it takes up to 30 sec to load on chrome. It seems to be a connection problem. Once connected it's fine. 


Loads in normal time on Safari, also on my iPhone (Safari again), but Chrome, be it desktop or mobile seems problematic. 

The only other browser installed on my macbook is the Brave browser, and this one has the same problem: Looking for a connection for about 30 sec, once found it's fine.  

However, would be great if anyone has some helpful tips for me. 




Accepted Solution (1)
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818 123 364

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Yep takes ages to load on Chrome. I think it's a DNS problem. Having checked it you have two A records & you should only have one (the last one). There is a guide here https://help.shopify.com/en/manual/domains/add-a-domain/using-existing-domains/connecting-domains


Think that will fix the issue (although you'll need to give the change time to propagate).

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Owner of Neuralcandy Shopify Agency

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Hi There,

Just ran this and it only hanged for 22 seconds the first time around then it loaded instantaneously after many retries on Edge & Safari. This could be two things, a script in your <head> tag or a recently installed App. When did you start noticing this behavior?

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11 1 7


thanks for your suggestions. Hard to say when it started, I guess once with the launch or shortly after, but we did a lot of small changes shortly before that. 

The site has a "speed score" of 54 in the internal shopify test. Which seems fine. 

I only have 4 basic apps installed (and did that in the very beginning when I was building the shop):

- Billbee

- ebay Importer (just deleted)

- EU cookie bar by booster apps

- the shopify own shop importer app

I now reduced the size of the image in the header menu (80 kb down from 150). 

Not sure, but it seems beter now, no?


11 1 7

Actually no, it didn't imrpove.

Any other suggestions? 30 seconds are really painful for people who visit the site for the first time... I'm a bit desperate.


Shopify Partner
818 123 364

This is an accepted solution.

Yep takes ages to load on Chrome. I think it's a DNS problem. Having checked it you have two A records & you should only have one (the last one). There is a guide here https://help.shopify.com/en/manual/domains/add-a-domain/using-existing-domains/connecting-domains


Think that will fix the issue (although you'll need to give the change time to propagate).

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Owner of Neuralcandy Shopify Agency
11 1 7

Thanks so much, Jon!!!! You were spot on with the DNS!!

Shopify Partner
818 123 364

@waltlovescomics No problem, glad that sorted it.

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Owner of Neuralcandy Shopify Agency