Re: Why is this div being disabled?

Why is my custom buy it now button div being hidden?

32 0 1

I can't figure out why this div with my custom buy it now button is being hidden. I have tried looking everywhere to see where to undo this but I can't seem to figure it out. Please help! Screenshot 2023-06-25 224632.png

Replies 9 (9)

1245 113 155

Send me store link. The issue will be in theme code

32 0 1


Thank you!

32 0 1

Hi, any luck looking at my website?


Shopify Partner
3477 464 551

I think your custom Buy It Now button is hidden because the CSS of its container is display: none

Go to Online Store -> Theme  -> Edit Code

Search base.css

Add these lines of code at the end of file base.css:


#payment-button-container {
    display: block;

 Then you will see your custom Buy It Now button appears on your store like this:

view (22).png

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BSS Commerce - Full-service eCommerce Agency
32 0 1

Hi, thank you for the reply. I tried this but it did not work. The div is still being disabled like I showed in the screenshot above. How were you able to get the button to work for you?

32 0 1

The div portion that is being disabled is what carries out the custom functionality. How can I reach out to you to maybe recreate this purchase button or to look further in my store?

Shopify Partner
3477 464 551

Hi @sebastian1617 
We have just sent you a collaborator request to Shopify Admin => Settings => Users and Permissions => Collaborators => BSS Commerce to have access and check your settings. Then, we can check and suggest you something.

After accepting the request, please kindly keep me updated. Thanks so much in advance!

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B2B Solution & Custom Pricing | Product Labels by BSS

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BSS Commerce - Full-service eCommerce Agency
32 0 1

HI, i did not receive a request.

Shopify Partner
3477 464 551

Hi @sebastian1617 
We have just sent you a collaborator request to Shopify Admin => Settings => Users and Permissions => Collaborators => BSS Commerce to have access and check your settings. Then, we can check and suggest you something.

After accepting the request, please kindly keep me updated. Thanks so much in advance!

If our suggestions are useful, please let us know by giving it a like, marking it as a solution, or donating here .

B2B Solution & Custom Pricing | Product Labels by BSS

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