Why is my drop down menu header not showing any options?

Why is my drop down menu header not showing any options?

9 0 2

Hi there, I’m having troubles with a drop down menu in my header. It drops down and now doesn’t show any options to click on. My website is www.Unleashedbystella.com


All information was there then the theme updated and now the shop our range drop down is blank.

Reply 1 (1)

Shopify Staff (Retired)
2550 460 425

Hey @UBS.
Thanks for reaching out. 
When I navigated to your online store and selected on the header navigation menu option Shop Our Range - I was able to successfully see the collections/products available in the drop down. Just to gather some additional context, are you still experiencing this issue when you select the option in the menu? I am just trying to get a better understanding of what may be occurring here. 
I did want to bring to your attention that you currently do not have a favicon added to the homepage. A favicon is a small image that displays on the browser tab and represents the business/company of the website. This can help provide a brand consistency to your visitors and gives your online store a polished look. I am sure if you look towards your browser tabs - you should see several favicons! You can add a favicon to your homepage by following this guide here
Looking forward to your response, let me know if you have any questions. 

Ollie | Social Care @ Shopify 
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