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I'm trying to improve my LCP and this shows up as the biggest element on my website:
<img alt="icon" width="1400" height="1400" style="pointer-events: none; position: absolute; top: 0; left: 0; width: 99vw; height: 99vh; max-width: 99vw; max-height: 99vh;" src="">
It's in there right before the close of the header tag. Anybody has any idea what this is? I gather it must be some sort of tracker or something, since it's in the head tag.
Hello @ShelHealth,
Gina here from flareAI.
This code seems related to the banner section. Probably looks like navigation arrows.
Are you using a slideshow and showing only one image as the banner?
Does your actual slideshow/banner have arrows for navigating to the next/previous slideshow/banners?
I advise you to study your theme and take a copy of the liquid file and play around by removing this code and see whether it makes any changes to the website.
Hope this helps,
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